
Friday, January 20, 2012

Log Cabins in Ravenswood

While I reserve my own artistic energies for other uses, I'm a supporter of the crafting trend that has swept over America's youth. I have been known to take a moment to appreciate the skill and time embodied in a hand-knit garment before I gingerly return it to its final resting place on the floor of a Salvation Army.  As I type this message to you, I look lovingly upon an embroidered Valentine's Day greeting made for me by Mary Todd.  Particularly on a wintry day such as today, I like nothing more than to warm myself under a a triple-decker layer of quilts.  

Mary Todd has taken the next step in quilt appreciation this year.  She signed up for the First-Time Quilting class at Lill Street Art Center in Ravenswood.  Judging by the many hours she has spent obsessively cutting and sewing the last couple weeks, I'd say it's been a great experience. 

Mary Todd made this Log Cabin design during her first class.
I'm still awaiting the final product, but I think there are a couple babies who are in line first.  Quilting is so time consuming that I can't complain if Mary Todd wants to start with a couple small projects.  I'm just happy she is cultivating some handy skills and that Lill Street Art Center is a short walk back to our own log cabin.

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